Project Description

The Safe 2 Save app was created by Marci Corry in College Station, Texas after a student lost his life from a driver texting and driving. This app creates a way to reward safe driving by allowing users to earn points for every minute of their phone being unused while their car is in motion.
With these points, drivers can earn gifts to their favorite restaurants and businesses while additionally reducing their accident risks. This ingenious app was created at Marci’s dinner table and is now pushing over 180K users, and being promoted by many different partners to help establish safer communities.
Distracted drivers are 23 times more likely to crash when they text and drive and Safe 2 Save is working to combat this issue. This app has received a large amount of praise from its users and has the potential to help millions of drivers.
As a part of Innovation Underground, Advent GX supports Safe 2 Save in fundraising, strategy, business development, and sales. For more information on this life saving app visit: .