Engaged communities support successful entrepreneurs.

In 2011, AdventGX established the Innovation Underground to formalize our support for startups and small businesses needing a strong community of supporters, sound business strategy, and access to investors. Since then, our incubator has served more than 100 startups, helped them develop strong business strategies and raise millions of dollars in capital, all while building a vibrant community of engaged experts and investors who support our entrepreneurial community.
How We Serve
Our Approach

AdventGX leverages community development to support innovation and entrepreneurship. Through community events, trade missions, and a rich tradition of hospitality, our team has gathered entrepreneurs, subject matter experts, and investors with a shared passion for small business, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Our global community of like-minded doers routinely heed the call to lock arms with entrepreneurs and help them define and finance a sound business strategy. Community members participate as stakeholders and subject matter experts in our AdventGX Strategy Deployment workshops, providing entrepreneurs with the insights needed to capture the voice of the customer and define business models that sustain a dynamic marketplace.
With a defined strategy in place, our team supports fundraising, technology development, team development, business development, and connection to other professional services providers.